Cherish  Foundation
"In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure."

Personality development is gaining more and more importance because it enables people to create a good impression about themselves on others; it helps them to build and develop relationships. It helps in your career growth and also helps to improve your financial needs. This process includes boosting one’s confidence, improving communication and language speaking abilities, widening ones scope of knowledge, developing certain hobbies or skills, learning fine etiquettes and manners, adding style and grace to the way one looks, talks and walks and overall imbibing oneself with positivity and liveliness.


Are you among the lots who always strived to do something differently and never loved working as a subordinate, if your answer is yes, then entrepreneurship may be the right choice for you. Today an off-beat career choice such as Entrepreneurship has gaining huge popularity due to the cut-throat competition and lack of opportunities in the formal sectors. Dozens of Youths with a dream to do something on their own are leaving their secure jobs to pursue their dream business venture. With the boom in Indian economy, the environment is just right to provide good scope for starting own business.


Retail Management offers limitless job opportunities in malls, export houses and departmental stores. Manufacturing companies also recruit retail managers to reach out to the customers directly. Banking, finance and insurance companies also need retail managers to bring their products directly to the customer. IT and IT enabled services companies particularly in the field of telecommunication also require large numbers of retail mangers considering the recent boom in this sector.


There are a variety of career options within the field of Human Resources Management. HR employees usually specialize in employment recruiting and placement, compensation and benefits, training or labor relations. In a small organization, the HR manager may cover all of these functions, while larger organizations will hire multiple employees within each grouping along with managers who oversee the overall HR department. Some popular career options in HR Management are Recruiters, Interviewers, HR Coordinators, HR Development Specialists .

Apple Logix News
* Use isset() to test if a variable has a value.
* variable names are case sensitive; functions are not.
* The foreach loop is powerful for iterating over arrays.
* Control your extensions in php.ini and don't have more than you really need.

Go to 3rd slide

* Central to the .net framework is its runtime execution environment, known as CLR.
* .Net compiles to IL.
* CTS define the predefined data types that are available in IL.
* - Integer and C# - int both refers to Int32 due to CTS .
Java is case sensitive.
* All method names begin with a lowercase letter.
* All field names begin with a lowercase letter. Underscores can also be used.
* Constants are in uppercase letters and can also use underscores.